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(法新社巴西庫亞巴23日電) 日本國家足球隊總教練札克羅尼(Alberto Zaccheroni)今天堅稱,日本隊準備迎戰只能贏不能輸的哥倫比亞之戰時,必須重新找到團隊潛能,而非僅聚焦特定知名球星。日本目前積分為1分,深知明天在C組最終戰對決哥倫比亞時,將難以掌握自身命運。日本首戰對決象牙海岸,靠著本田圭佑攻進1球,而這也是日本目前在本屆世界盃攻進的唯一一球。另一球星香川真司第2戰僅下半場替補上場。當被問及效力AC米蘭的本田和效力曼徹斯特聯隊的香川是否攸關球隊命運時,札克羅尼強調,重要的是球隊團結。義大利籍的札克羅尼在記者會表示:「我總是認為團隊非常重要。」他說:「如果球隊沒有適當的平衡,那麼就算是最偉大的球星也施展不開,無法發揮。」(譯者:中央社張詠晴) Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Japan's Keisuke Honda, right, watches the flight of his free kick as it drifts wide during the group C World Cup soccer match between Japan and Colombia at the Arena Pantanal in Cuiaba, Brazil, ... 較多Japan's Keisuke Honda, right, watches the flight of his free kick as it drifts wide during the group C World Cup soccer match between Japan and Colombia at the Arena Pantanal in Cuiaba, Brazil, Tuesday, June 24, 2014. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Kirsty Wigglesworth 2014年6月25日週三 台北標準時間上午5時30分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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